The electric power industry’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that times of crisis and uncertainty also inspire great opportunities for accelerating innovation. With the shift toward remote work and social distancing, the workforce was forced to learn and operate more independently, utilizing digital tools and virtual methods. These new realities have tested our traditional models and have challenged business and training leaders to reconsider their approach, inspiring them to design creative solutions that meet their organization’s unique needs and obstacles head-on.
The evolution of technology and social norms has dramatically transformed how people access, share, and gain knowledge. The pandemic has only accelerated the reality that organizations must be more agile and must proactively anticipate business and workforce needs. This unanticipated path has revealed an excellent opportunity to embrace a “Learn Anywhere” mindset that combines unique blends of training methods and delivery modalities to employees with relevant, engaging, and valuable information When, Where, and How They Need It.
View Mosaic’s article in Electric Perspectives May/June 2021 Issue.