Case Study

User Stories and Business Process Development for ADMS

Combined Utility

The Situation

Mosaic recently partnered with a utility implementing an Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) in three phases: SCADA (Phase 1), Outage Management System (OMS) (Phase 2), and an Advanced Applications Pilot (Phase 3). The utility faced several significant challenges during the implementation process. Its internal teams lacked the necessary ADMS subject matter expertise, and communication silos between IT, OT, and operations hindered effective collaboration. Moreover, the network modeling team lacked experience in integrating data sources and ensuring system accuracy, which raised concerns about potential delays and errors.


Mosaic Offers a Solution

Mosaic stepped in as a strategic partner, providing comprehensive support across key areas of the project. Mosaic took the lead in training, developing a highly effective training program that seamlessly integrated with the broader ADMS rollout. This included instructor-led training (ILT) for control room staff and web-based training (WBT) for storm response teams. Additionally, Mosaic played a critical role in organizational change management (OCM), driving business readiness by fostering clear communication across teams and managing the transition to new operations.

On the technical side, Mosaic’s OT Support team led the development and testing of the network model for the utility’s grid support framework. They ensured that GIS data was accurate for the OMS integration and developed vital business processes, job aids, and performance support documents for OT teams to navigate 36 to 40 critical workflows. Mosaic also created dynamic symbology for all ADMS assets—writing custom code to ensure multi-state functionality so the system’s assets were accurately represented in real-time operations.

Mosaic further supported the utility’s SAP development team by ensuring seamless data flow between SAP and ADMS, assisting with integration, development, and testing. Since the utility’s integration team was new to the ADMS platform, this expertise was instrumental in avoiding potential setbacks.