The aftermath of a critical safety incident heightened awareness of operational practices at this gas utility. Prior to this incident, learning was heavily dependent on on-the-job training performed ad-hoc by peers and supervisors in the field. To mitigate this challenge and minimize safety risks to the public and employees, Mosaic developed a Gas Instrumentation and Regulation curriculum. The program supports I&R Technicians in their first two years within the role.
Mosaic created a formal, comprehensive training curriculum that provides foundational and advanced knowledge of Gas Instrumentation and Regulation topics. This two-tiered program is a compilation of instructor-led training, eLearning simulation, hands-on activity, and 3D model delivery.
Data collected from the client’s subject matter experts throughout the analysis determined there were areas of opportunity for deeper exploration of topics and a need to simplify complex concepts. Levering solutions such as 3D models enables the instructor to demonstrate functions that are normally invisible in the line of work and allows the learner to explore deeper thinking. Pivoting the views and functions of the 3D model highlights how the device operates, how functionality changes depending on its use, and potential points of correction when troubleshooting.